Curriculum Vitae

Armin Wolf has been deputy editor-in-chief of ORF‘s TV news department since 2010 and, since 2002, anchor of its flagship news magazine ZiB 2 (appr. 30% market share, 700.000 daily viewers).

POLITICO called him „one of Europe‘s most skilled (and feared) political journalists“ and he was honoured as “European Journalist of the Year” at the Prix Europa 2019.

Born in Innsbruck in 1966, Armin Wolf began his career at ORF‘s local studio in Tyrol as a radio reporter after graduating from an economic high school in Innsbruck. From 1988 to 1994 he was a foreign affairs reporter at ORF Radio based in Vienna, mostly covering 1989 and its aftermath in Eastern Europe. In 1991/92 he was assigned to ORF’s Washington bureau. In 1995 he moved from radio to ORF‘s TV news department, first as a national affairs reporter and from 1998-2001 as managing editor of the newly developed midnight news show ZiB 3, before he returned to ZiB 2 as its anchor.

Over the last three decades Armin has interviewed four Austrian Federal Presidents, ten Chancellors and eight Foreign Ministers, as well as numerous foreign leaders such as Michail Gorbatschow, Lech Walesa, Vaclav Havel, Henry Kissinger, Al Gore, Saddam Hussein, Yassir Arafat, Shimon Peres, Benjamin Netanyahu, Tabo Mbeki, Jean-Claude Juncker, Olaf Scholz or Vladimir Putin.

He holds a doctorate in political science from the University of Innsbruck, a master‘s degree from the University of Vienna and an MBA from Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin. He has lectured at various universities and has (co-)authored four books. His account on Twitter is followed by about 600.000 people.

Armin is the recipient of the prestigeous Axel-Corti-Prize and Robert-Hochner-Prize (Austria), the Leuchtturm-Prize of Germany‘s association of investigative journalists (Netzwerk Recherche) and the Hanns-Joachim-Friedrichs-Sonderpreis (Germany). In 2018 he received a „Special Award“ at the Grimme-Prize (Germany) for his „outstanding contribution to television“. In 2004, 2018 and 2020 he was honoured as Austria’s “Journalist of the Year”.

Armin Wolf ist Journalist und TV-Moderator. Sein Blog befasst sich v.a. mit Medien und Politik.

Armin Wolf